TN Judicial Department Recruitment: Apply online now for 3557 Various posts.
Tamilnadu Government Judicial Department has published recruitment notification for filling up 3557 vacancies of Office Assistant / Copyist Attender / Scavenger/ Sweeper/ Sanitary Worker/ Masalchi/ Sweeper/ Gardener/ Watchman/ Scavenger/Waterman & Water women/ Night watchman-cum-Masalchi/ Watchman-cum-Masalchi/ Night watchman/ Sweeper cum Cleaner/ Office Assistant cum full time Watchman posts for various Tamil Nadu Judicial Courts. Eligible Interested candidates apply online through portal on or before 6th June 2021.
Candidates please go through the detailed notification before applying online.
Note: Other state candidates can also applying for these posts. Preference will be given for Tamil knowing people.
Name of the Organization | Tamilnadu Government Judicial Department |
Type of Organization | State Government |
Total Vacancies | 3557 |
Educational Qualification | VII th statndard. |
Pay Scale | Rs. ₹ 15,700 –to 50,000 |
Mode of Application | Online |
Last date | 06/06/2021 |
Vacancy Details:
The vacancies are in the following posts
Name of the Post |
Total Vacancies |
Office Assistant |
1912 |
Watchman |
496 |
Masalchi |
485 |
Sweeper |
214 |
Night Watchman |
186 |
Sanitary Worker |
110 |
Night Watchman cum Masalchi |
123 |
Gardner |
28 |
Copyist Attender |
03 |
തപാൽ വകുപ്പിൽ കാർ ഡ്രൈവർ ആവാം | പത്താം ക്ലാസ് ഉള്ളവർക്ക് സുവർണ്ണാവസരം | 25,000 രൂപ തുടക്ക ശമ്പളം
What is the Age Limit?
Age limit for these posts are as follows. please go through the detailed notification for more details.
(As on 01/07/2021)
- 18 – 30 years for General (UR)
- 18 – 32 years for BC / MBC
- 18 – 35 years for SC / ST
Pay Scale / Monthly Remuneration: Level – 1 ₹ 15,700 – 50,000
Educational Qualifications:
- Office Assistant and Copyist Attender: Minimum VIII standard Pass. Matric also eligible.
- For all other posts: To able to Read and Write Tamil Language. No minimum educational qualification.
Selection Process:
Selection process comprised of
- Written Test
- Interview
Application Fee:
- ₹ 500/- for General / OBC / MBC category candidates.
- No fee for SC / ST category candidates.
How to Apply?
Eligible candidates should apply online only. Applications submitted through or concerned district court official website. The candidates are advised to make use of Only Desktop or Laptop to apply for the posts online and not to apply through smart phone or tab. The last date for registration of online applications is 06/06/2021.
Special Note: The Persons belonging to the State of Tamil Nadu and belonging to one of the communities viz., Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Caste (Arunthathiars) or Scheduled Tribe or Most Backward Classes & Denotified Communities or Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims) or Backward Classes (Muslims), as the case may be, will alone be treated as belonging to the respective communities. The Persons belonging to other States / Union Territories (i.e. except the State of Tamil Nadu) will be treated only as ‘Unreserved Category’, even though they may belong to one of the reserved communities in their respective States or Union Territories. Therefore, they cannot seek either age relaxation or reservation in appointment or fee concession, under any circumstances. They are required to fill up their category as “Unreserved Category (UR)” in the application form and can compete only under “Unreserved Category (UR)”, by paying requisite fee. Applications of other State/Union Territory candidates i.e. except the State of Tamil Nadu, who have applied by citing their communal status in their respective States /Union Territories and without paying prescribed fee and who are age barred, will be summarily rejected and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.

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