AIR INDIA Recruitment 2018 :Apply online for 500 Cabin Crew vacancies
Air india invites online application from eligible Unmarried Indian Nationals for the recruitment of 500 Male/Female Cabin Crew for its Northern Region, Delhi and Western Region, Mumbai vacancies on a fixed term engagement basis.Eligible candidates can apply online through official air india website on or before 12-03-2018.
Applicants please go through detailed notification before apply online
Name of the Organization | AIR INDIA |
Type of Organization | Central Government |
Total Vacancies | 500 |
Educational Qualification | Plus two |
Pay Scale | 15,000+ |
Mode of Application | Online |
Last date | 12-03-2018 |
Vacancy details:
Northern Region ,Delhi :450
- Male :150
- Female:300
Western region, Mumbai:50
- Male:13
- Female:37
Educational qualification & Experience:
- 10+2 from a Government recognized Board/ University
- Experience: Must be presently working as Cabin Crew in a scheduled airline with minimum one year of experience as Cabin Crew and having a valid SEP for Airbus or Boeing family aircraft, as on the last date of receipt of application
Marital Status:
- Unmarried
Physical & Medical standards:
- Female Minimum 160 cms
- Male Minimum 172 cms
- Female: Between 18 to 22
- Male : Between 18 to 25
- Near Vision: N/5 in better eye and N/6 in worst eye.
- Distant vision: 6/6 in one eye & 6/9 in another eye .
- Spectacles not allowed. -Contact lenses up to + 2D permitted
Colour Vision:
- Normal on Ishihara/Tokyo Medical College (TMC) Chart
- Clear speech, no stammering, lisping. Command of the English/Hindi language should be with clear understandable accent.
- Fluency in English and Hindi.
Pay scale:
- period of training: RS 15000/-
- After completion of the training: Rs. 18,400/- +Flying Allowance
- In addition to the above the candidates will be eligible for payment of approximately Rs. 21,125/- as Flying Allowance at 70 hours of flying, however the exact amount will vary based on the actual hours flown.
Application fee:
Candidates have to pay Rs.1000 through Demand Draft in favour of “Air India Limited., payable at Delhi/Mumbai.
Selection process:
- Medical examination
- Written test (18-03-2018)
How to apply?
Eligible candidates can apply online through official air india website on or before 12-03-2018.
Important date:
Last Date for submission of Online Application : 12.03.2018

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