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National Technical Research Organization (NTRO)Recruitment: Apply Online Now for 127 Technical Assistant Vacancies

National technical research organization (NTRO) has released recruitment notification for 127 vacancies for the post of Technical assistant. Eligible candidates can apply online through the official website on or before 04-04-2019.

Candidates please go through detailed notification before applying online.

NTRO recruitment for 127 vacancies for the post of Technical assistant
Name of the Organization National technical research organization (NTRO)
Type of Organization Central Government
Total Vacancies 127
Educational Qualification Diploma,B.Tech
Pascale Rs 35400-112400/-
Mode of Application Online
Last date 04-04-2019

Vacancy details:

Name of post: Technical assistant Group B

No of vacancies:127

  • Electronics:52
  • Computer science:75

Educational qualification:

Technical Assistant (Electronics) :  Candidates should have completed  Bachelor’s Degree in Science with Mathematics or Physics as one of the subjects from a recognized University; (or) Three years Diploma in Engineering or Technology in Electronics/Communication/ Electronics & Communication/Telecommunication/ Electronics & Telecommunication from a recognized Institute.Having working knowledge of computer

Technical Assistant(Computer Science) : Candidates should have completed Bachelor’s Degree in Science with Mathematics or Physics as one of the subjects from a recognized University; or Bachelors Degree in Computer Application from a recognized University or Institute; or Three years Diploma in Engineering or Techno-logy in Computer/ Computer Science/ Computer Technology/Computer Science & Information Tech- nology/Information Technology from a recognized  Institute. Having working knowledge of computer

Pay scale:

Level-6 of the Pay Matrix Rs. 35,400 -1,12,400/-

What is the age limit?

  • 30 years

Age relaxation as per Govt rules and regulation

Selection process:

Selection will be made on the basis of Tier 1 Computer Based Test (CBT) and Tierll if required.

How to apply?

Eligible candidates can apply online through the official website on or before 04-04-2019

Important date:

  • Last date for online registration:04-04-2019

Notification (Download pdf file)

Apply online

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