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NIT Calicut Recruitment :Walk in Interview for Caretaker post

The National Institute of Technology (NIT) Calicut invites candidates for the post of caretaker on adhoc basis. A Walk – in- Interview will be held for engagement of Ad-hoc Jr. Caretaker purely on adhoc basis for a period of six months as per hostel requirements and the consolidated pay as indicated below. Selected. candidates shall work in various hostels as per the duty time followed, immediately on intimation of selection. They will not have any claim to continue the engagement in any post of the hostel or institute beyond the six month term.

NIT Calicut Recruitment :Walk in Interview for Caretaker post
Name of the Organization NIT Calicut
Type of Organization Govt. of India
Total Vacancies Not mentioned
Educational Qualification Graduation in any discipline
Pay Scale Rs.14000 Per month
Mode of Application Walk in interview
Interview date 30/10/2018

Vacancy details:

Name of Post: Caretaker (Mens hostel)

Educational qualification:

Degree in any stream from a recognized university or 3 year Diploma in Commercial Practice from a recognized board under Govt.
Experience: (1) Three year experience as Office Asst./ Caretaker in hostel of a reputed institution is desirable.
(2) Knowledge of office automation, word processing and computer operation/ equivalent is essential.
(3) Experience in hostel accounting, mess management, mess accounting and student guidance in a hostel of a reputed institute is desirable.

What is the age limit?

30 years and above as on 01.01.2018.

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14,000/- per month.

Selection Process:

Walk In Interview

Venue & Date of Interview:

Date: 30.10.2018
Time of reporting: 9.30 A.M
Venue : NITC Hostel Office

How to apply?

Interested male candidates shall appear for an interview as per the schedule given below, with all original certificates of their qualification/experiences/proof of age. No TA/DA will be paid for the interview.

Notification (Download pdf)

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