Air India Recruitment 2019: Apply Now for Various Vacancies at Calicut, Kochi & Kannur Airports.
Air India Air Transport Services Limited (AIATSL) wishes to engage on immediate basis Indian Nationals (Male & Female) who meet with the requirements stipulated herein, for various post for ground duties at Kochi and Kozhikode Airports in Southern Region on Fixed Term Contract basis for a period of three years which may be renewed subject to their performance and the requirement of the Company, to fill-in the existing vacancies as shown below and to maintain a wait-list for vacancies arising in future.
Candidates please go through detailed notification before applying online.
Name of the Organization | Air India Air Transport Services Limited (AIATSL) |
Type of Organization | Central Government Public sector |
Total Vacancies | 189 |
Educational Qualification | |
Pay Scale | Rs 13860 to 45,000/- |
Mode of Application | Walkin |
Date of interview | 4th and 5th of the August 2019. |
Vacancy details:
- Duty Manager Terminal: 1 (Kannur-1)
- Duty Manager Ramp: 1(Kannur-1)
- Duty Officer Terminal: 1(Kozhikode-1)
- Jr.Executive (Pax): 3 (Kozhikode-1)
- Jr.Executive (Technical): 1 (Kozhikode-1)
- Customer Agent :30 (Kozhikode-30)
- Ramp Service Agent:14 (Kochi-10, Kozhikode-4)
- Utility Agent-cum Ramp Driver:24 (Kochi-16, Kozhikode-8)
- Handyman / Handywomen:114 (Kochi-68, Kozhikode-46)
Total Number of Vacancies: 189 (Kochi:94, Kozhikode:93, Kannur-2)
Educational qualification & Experience:
- Duty Manager Terminal: Graduate from a recognised university under 10+2+3 pattern with 16 years experience, out of which at least 04 years must be in a managerial or supervisory capacity in Pax and cargo handling functions with an Airline or Airport Operator or BCAS approved Ground Handler appointed by any Airport Operator at any airport or in combination thereof. Well conversant with computer operations.
- Duty Manager Ramp: Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical / Automobile / Production / Electrical / Electrical & Electronics / Electronics and Communication Engineering from a recognised university. with 12 years experience in Ramp handling functions with an Airline or Airport Operator or BCAS approved Ground Handler appointed by any Airport Operator at any airport or in combination thereof. Must be in possession of HMV. Preference will be given to those with aviation experience.
- Duty Officer Terminal: Graduate from a recognised university under 10+2+3 pattern with Diploma in IATA -UFTA or IATA -FIATAA or IATA -DGR or IATA -CARGO/Airline Travel and Tourism/Aviation. with 12 year’s experience , out of which at least 04 years must be in a managerial or supervisory capacity in Pax Ramp and cargo handling functions with an Airline or Airport Operator or BCAS approved Ground Handler appointed by any Airport Operator at any airport or in combination thereof. Well conversant with computer operations.
- Jr.Executive (Pax): Graduate from a recognised university under 10+2+3 pattern with 09 years experience,in any of the area or combination thereof, of fares, reservations, ticketing, computerize passenger check -in / cargo handling Or Graduate from a recognised university under 10+2+3 pattern with M.B.A. or equivalent in any discipline (2 -years full time course or 3 -years part time course) from a recognised university with 6 years aviation experience in any of the area or combination thereof, of fares, reservations, ticketing, computerized passenger check -in/ cargo handling
- Jr.Executive (Technical): Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical / Automobile / Production / Electrical / Electrical & Electronics / Electronics and Communication Engineering from a recognised university. Must be in possession of LMV.
- Customer Agent : Graduate from a recognised university under 10+2+3 pattern with Diploma in IATA -UFTAA or IATA -FIATA or IATA -DGR or IATA -CARGO Or Graduate from a recognised university under 10+2+3 pattern with 01 year experience in any of the area or combination thereof, of fares, reservation, ticketing, computerised passenger check -in / cargo handling.
- Ramp Service Agent: 3 -years Diploma in Mechanical / Electrical / Production / Electronics / Automobile Engineering recognised by the State Government or ITI with NCTVT (Total 3 years) in motor vehicle Auto Electrical / Air conditioning Diesel Mechanic / Bench fitter / Welder, (ITI with ICTVT – certificate issued from Directorate of Vocational education and training of any State / Central Government with one year experience in case of welder) after passing SSC / Equivalent examination with Hindi / English / local language as one of the subject. AND Candidate must carry original valid Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving License at the time of appearing for the Trade Test. Preference will be given to the Candidates conversant with the local language.
- Utility Agent-cum Ramp Driver: Minimum SSC (10th Standard Pass) Must carry original valid HMV driving licence at the time of appearing for Trade test.
- Handyman / Handywomen: SSC /10th Standard Pass. Must be able to read and understand English Language. Knowledge of Local and Hindi Languages, ie., ability to understand and speak is desirable. Airport Experience will be preferred
What is the age limit?
- Duty Manager Terminal: 55
- Duty Manager Ramp: 55
- Duty Officer Terminal: 50
- Jr.Executive (Pax): (General:35, OBC:38, SC/ST:40)
- Jr.Executive (Technical): (General:28, OBC:31, SC/ST:33)
- Customer Agent :(General:28, OBC:31, SC/ST:33)
- Ramp Service Agent:(General:28, OBC:31, SC/ST:33)
- Utility Agent-cum Ramp Driver:(General:28, OBC:31, SC/ST:33)
- Handyman / Handywomen:(General:28, OBC:31, SC/ST:33)
Pay scale:
- Duty Manager Terminal: 45000
- Duty Manager Ramp: 45000
- Duty Officer Terminal: 32200
- Jr.Executive (Pax): 25300
- Jr.Executive (Technical): 25300
- Customer Agent :18360
- Ramp Service Agent:18360
- Utility Agent-cum Ramp Driver:15660
- Handyman / Handywomen:13860
How to apply?
Applicants meeting with the eligibility criteria mentioned in this advertisement, as on 1STJuly 2019, are required to WALK-IN in person, to the venue, on the date and time as specified above along with the Application Form duly filled-in & copies of the testimonials/certificates (as per attached application format with this advertisement) and non-refundable Application Fee of `500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) by means of a Demand Draft in favour of “AIR INDIA AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES LTD.”, payable at Mumbai. No fees is to be paid by Ex-servicemen / candidates belonging to SC/ST communities. Please write your Full Name, & Mobile.No. at the reverse side of the Demand Draft.
Interview Date & Venue.
Interview Date:
- Duty Manager Terminal: 04 August 2019 From 0900 hrs to 1200 hrs
- Duty Manager Ramp: 04 August 2019 From 0900 hrs to 1200 hrs
- Duty Officer Terminal: 04 August 2019 From 0900 hrs to 1200 hrs
- Executive (Pax): 04 August 2019 From 0900 hrs to 1200 hrs
- Executive (Technical): 04 August 2019 From 0900 hrs to 1200 hrs
- Customer Agent : 04 August 2019 From 0900 hrs to 1200 hrs
- Ramp Service Agent: 05 August 2019 From 0900 hrs to 1200 hrs
- Utility Agent-cum Ramp Driver: 05 August 2019 From 0900 hrs to 1200 hrs
- Handyman / Handywomen: 05 August 2019 From 0900 hrs to 1200 hrs
Interview Venue:
Cochin International Aviation Services Ltd (CIASL), CIAL Academy, XI/318E & XI/318F , Cochin International Airport Building, Cochin Airport P.O. Nedumbassery Ernakulam 683 111
Notification & Application Form

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