STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LTD Recruitment 2018: Apply Online now for for 205 Jr. Manager & Operator-cum-Technician Posts.
Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP), a unit of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) A Govt. of India Enterprise has released a recruitment notification for 205 post of Jr. Manager & Operator-cum-Technician .Eligible and interested candidates can apply online through the official website from 05/11/2018 to 04/12/2018.
Candidates please go through detailed notification before apply online.
Name of the Organization | SAIL |
Type of Organization | Central Government |
Total Vacancies | 205 |
Educational Qualification | B. tech/Diploma |
Pay Scale | Rs.20,600 to 50,500/- per month. |
Mode of Application | Online |
Last date | 04-12-2018 |
Vacancy details:
1)Jr. Manager (Safety) (E-1): 07
2)Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee): 170
- Mechanical :70
- Metallurgy :55
- Electrical: 20
- Electronics :17
- Instrumentation :08
3)Operator-cumTechnician (Boiler Operator) (S-3): 28
Educational qualification:
- Manager (Safety) (E-1): Full time Degree in any branch of Engineering / Technology with 65% mark for General/OBC and 55% mark for SC/ST. practical experience of working in a factory for a period not less than 02 years, Possess PG Degree or Diploma in Industrial Safety recognized by State Government. Has adequate knowledge in Odia language
- Operator-cumTechnician (Trainee): Matriculation with 03 years full time Diploma in Engineering in the relevant discipline With 50% mark for General/OBC and 40% mark for SC/ST/PWD/ Departmental Candidates
- Operator-cumTechnician (Boiler Operator) (S-3): Matriculation with 03 years full time Diploma in Mechanical/ Electrical/ Chemical/ Power Plant/ Production/ Instrumentation Engineering With 50% mark for General/OBC and 40% mark for SC/ST/PWD/ Departmental Candidates and First Class Boiler Attendant Certificate of Competency.
What is the age limit?
( as on 04/12/2018)
- Manager (Safety) (E-1): 18-30 years
- Operator-cumTechnician (Trainee): 18-28 years
- Operator-cumTechnician (Boiler Operator) (S-3): 18-30 years
Age relaxation as per Govt rules and regulation will be provided.
Pay scale:
- Manager (Safety) (E-1): E-1 grade in the Scale of Pay of Rs. 20600-3%-46500/- and After completion of one year of service they shall be considered in E-1 grade in the Scale of Pay of Rs. 24900-3%-50500/
- Operator-cum-Technician (Boiler Operator) (S-3): S-3 grade in the Scale of Pay of Rs.16800-3%-24110/-
- Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee): S-3 grade in the Scale of Pay of Rs.16800-3%-24110/-
1st year Training period :Rs.10700/-
2nd year of training period: Rs.12200/-
Application fee:
- Manager (Safety) (E-1):Rs 500/-
- Operator-cum-Technician:Rs 250/-
- General/OBC category will be required to pay Application Fee
- SC/ST/PWD/ESM/Departmental candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee.
Selection process:
Selection will be made on the basis of Written test, Skill test& Trade test
How to apply?
Eligible candidates can apply online through the official website of the company from 05/11/2018 to 04/12/2018.
Important date :
- Starting date for submitting applications: 05/11/2018
- Closing date for submitting applications: 04/12/2018

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