All India Jobs
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL) Recruitment: Apply Online now for for 142 Various posts
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL) Recruitment for 142 post of Trade Apprentices,Interested and eligible candidates can apply online through the official website on or before 01-11-2020.Candidates please go through detailed notification before apply online
Name of the Organization | SCTIMST |
Type of Organization | Govt. of India. |
Total Vacancies | 142 |
Educational Qualification | 10,ITI,+2,Degree |
Mode of Application | Online |
Interview date | 01-11-2020 |
Vacancy details:
- Fitter -13
- Laboratory Operator (CP) -10
- Welder -9
- Attendant Operator (CP) -10
- Electrician- 9
- Accountant- 2
- MMV -9
- Back Office Apprentice -17
- Machinist- 5
- Executive (Marketing)- 2
- Turner- 5
- Executive (HR)- 8
- Mechanic (Ref. & Air-Cond.) -2
- Executive (CS) -9
- Instrument Mechanic- 2
- Executive (F&A) -4
- Draughtsman (C) -4
- Office Assistant -3
- Draughtsman (M)- 2
- Warehouse Exe. (Rec.& Des.)- 2
- COPA -3
- Store Keeper -5
- Food Production (Gen.)- 2
- Data Entry Operator- 5
Educational qualification:
- Fitter:- Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Fitter) course.
- Welder:-Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Welder) course.
- Electrician :-Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Electrician) course.
- Mechanic :-Passed 10th class examination and ITI (MMV) course.
- Machinist:- Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Machinist) course.
- Turner :-Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Turner) course.
- Mechanic:- Refrigerationand Air Conditioning -Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Mechanic Ref.& AC) course
- Instrument Mechanic :-Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Instrument Mechanic) course.
- Draughtsman (Civil) :-Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Draughtsman (Civil)) course.
- Draughtsman(Mechanical):- Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Draughtsman (Mech.)) course.
- Computer Operator and Programming Assistant:- Passed 10th class examination and ITI (COPA) course.
- Food Production (Genl.):- Passed 10th class examination and ITI (Food Production Genl.) course.
- Laboratory Assistant(Chemical Plant):-Passed B.Sc. with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematic or Biology.
- Attendant Operator (Chemical Plant):-Passed B.Sc. with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematic or Biology.
- Accountant:- Passed B.Com
- Back Office Apprentice:- Passed any Graduation (Non-Engineering)
- Executive (Marketing):- MBA (Marketing) / Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management
- Executive :-MBA (HR) / MSW / Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management/ Personnel Management & Industrial Relation (2 years full time Course).
- Executive (ComputerScience) :-MCA (3 years full time Course).
- Executive (Finance &Accounts):- CA/ICWA/ MFC / MBA (Finance & Accounts) / Post Graduate
- Diploma in Financial Management.
- Office Assistant :Passed 12th class examination and candidate should possess SkillCertificate of “Office Assistant”.
- Warehouse Executive:Passed 12th class examination and candidate should possess SkillCertificate of “Warehouse Executive (Receipts & Despatch or relevant”
- Store Keeper (FresherApprentice) :Passed 12th Class Examination.
- Data Entry Operator(Fresher Apprentice) -Passed 12th Class Examination
What is the age limit?
- Minimum 18 years and maximum 24 years as on 01.10.2020
Age relaxation as per Govt rules and regulation
Pay scale:
- ITI Trade post: Rs. 8,050/-
- Office Assistant &Warehouse Executive: – Rs. 7,000/-
- Store Keeper, Data Entry Operator: Rs. 3,500/-
- Other post: Rs. 9,000/-
Selection process:
The selection will be based on the percentage of marks scored by the candidates in their respective ITI trades / Degree.
How to apply?
Interested and eligible candidates can apply online through the official website on or before 01-11-2020. Before applying for above Apprentices positions, candidates have to first register themselves in
Apprenticeship Portal:
Important date:
- Last date for online registration:01-11-2020

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